信息收集声明 Collection Notice Statement

信息收集声明 Collection Notice Statement

UniLodge Australia Pty Ltd(ACN 078 921 169)及其关联机构法人(UniLodge)致力于保护个人及其个人信息或个人数据的隐私(定义见《 1988年隐私法》(联邦)(澳大利亚)(《澳大利亚隐私法》)或有关澳大利亚或新西兰境内的个人(视情况而定)的《 1993年新西兰隐私法》(《新西兰隐私法》)以及《隐私法》或关于《个人数据保护条例》(GDPR)定义的个人数据欧盟的个人数量)。



  1. UniLodge是收集您的个人信息或个人数据的一方。您可以通过电子邮件与我们联系,电子邮件是,或者您可以给我们写信给我们,地址为4001 Australia,Qld,布里斯班,GPO Box 2481。
  2. UniLodge收集您的个人信息或个人数据的目的包括但不限于:
    1. 核实您的详细信息,并注册符合条件的大学;
    2. 在UniLodge住所中处理您的注册申请;
    3. 为您提供住宿以及UniLodge向居民提供的所有相关支持和服务;
    4. 在与我们有关或UniLodge的场所发生任何伤害或紧急情况时为您提供帮助;和
    5. 当您在UniLodge的场所内时,应履行对您的照顾义务,并协助您进行康复;
    6. 处理与您在UniLodge住所的注册有关的任何付款;
    7. 向您提供有关UniLodge可能对您感兴趣的即将发生的事件的营销材料;
    8. 确保您在UniLodge办公场所的安全,并通过视频记录和图像捕获来验证违反其规则,适用法律或投诉的任何情况,并且您同意您的个人信息或个人数据已被收集并用于UniLodge隐私权政策中的这些目的和任何其他目的,以及与之相关联。
  3. 在某些情况下,我们可能会从您的替代联系人(例如您的父母或监护人)那里收集个人信息或个人数据。您承认您的替代联系人知道UniLodge会保留他们的信息,以履行对您的谨慎义务。
  4. 在某些情况下,UniLodge可能会主动收集您的个人信息或个人数据。在合理的范围内,UniLodge将删除或取消识别任何未经请求的个人信息。但是,由于UniLodge IT系统的性质,如果您使用UniLodge IT系统发送或接收个人电子邮件,UniLodge将无法删除备份并存储在UniLodge服务器上的任何个人信息或个人数据。您承认并同意UniLodge收集和存储您的个人信息或个人数据。
  5. 如果UniLodge不收集与第2款中的目的相关的个人信息或个人数据,则可能无法协助您申请在UniLodge处所居住。
  6. 为了第2款的目的,您的个人信息或个人数据被披露给以下类别的人和组织:
    1. UniLodge,其人员和相关实体;
    2. 您的金融机构和UniLodge的金融机构;
    3. 第三方服务提供商(例如活动协调和租用,IT供应商);
    4. 在紧急情况下需要为您提供帮助的医疗或保健服务提供商;
    5. 协助营销过程的第三方以及UniLodge隐私政策中规定的任何其他组织。
  7.  可能会将为您在UniLodge场所居住而收集的某些信息披露给UniLodge的相关机构,公司或服务提供商可能不在澳大利亚或新西兰之外。您同意为此目的将您的信息披露给澳大利亚或新西兰境外的目的地(以适用者为准),并且您理解并确认,澳大利亚隐私原则8.1或《新西兰隐私法》不适用于此类披露您的个人信息的行为或相关司法管辖区以外的个人数据。
  8. UniLodge的隐私政策规定了有关您如何访问和更正出于第2款概述的目的而收集的任何个人信息的程序,以及如果UniLodge在处理以下内容时违反了隐私法,您将如何提出投诉的程序:你的个人信息。可以在上获得UniLodge的隐私政策,也可以通过上面第1项中的联系方式向UniLodge索取一份副本。



  1.     UniLodge是“数据控制者”(在GDPR中定义),负责处理与您的居留申请和(如果成功的话)您在澳大利亚UniLodge场所的租赁有关的个人数据。
  2.     我们将存储根据本声明收集的您的个人数据,直到您终止与我们的住所之日起12个月届满为止。
  3.     我们可能会将您的个人数据转移到我们在澳大利亚或新西兰的相关实体(视情况而定),并且此转移受到UniLodge与每个实体之间的合同义务的保护,以保护您的个人数据的安全。
  4.     根据GDPR,您有权:
    1.         (访问)请求访问UniLodge所拥有的您的个人数据;
    2.         (更正)通过以上指定的详细信息与我们联系来请求更新或更正UniLodge拥有的有关您的任何个人数据,并请求更新个人数据;
    3.         (删除)要求我们删除UniLodge所保存的您的个人数据,而不再需要出于收集目的而使用该数据;
    4.         (处理限制)从UniLodge获得处理您的个人数据的限制,其中:
    5.             个人数据的准确性受到质疑;
    6.             UniLodge对个人数据的处理是非法的(您反对删除但要求限制使用);
    7.             UniLodge不再需要您的个人数据;要么
    8.             您已根据GDPR第21(1)条提出的异议权,反对处理;
    9.         (数据可移植性)要求UniLodge:
    10.             以便携式和机器可读的形式为您提供UniLodge持有的有关您的个人数据的副本;要么
    11.             与指定的第三方共享您的个人数据。
  5.     UniLodge不会就您的个人数据进行任何自动决策(例如分析)。
  6.     如果您对根据此声明UniLodge收集或处理您的个人数据有任何疑问,那么您也有权向您的欧盟国家/地区中的数据保护机构投诉定义)。


UniLodge Australia Pty Ltd (ACN 078 921 169) and its related bodies corporate (UniLodge) are committed to protecting the privacy of individuals and their personal information or personal data (as defined in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Australian Privacy Act) or the New Zealand Privacy Act 1993 (NZ Privacy Act), together the Privacy Law, in respect of individuals within Australia or New Zealand, as the case may be) or personal data (as defined in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in respect of individuals in the EU).

Please read this carefully as it will have important consequences for you in relation to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information or personal data provided to UniLodge.

You understand that:

  1. UniLodge is the party who is collecting your personal information or personal data. You can contact us by email at, or alternatively you can write to us at GPO Box 2481, Brisbane, Qld, 4001 Australia.
  2. The purposes of UniLodge collecting your personal information or personal data includes but is not limited to:
    1. verifying your details, and enrolment at an eligible University;
    2. processing your application for enrolment at a UniLodge residence;
    3. providing you with accommodation, and all of the related support and services that UniLodge offers to residents;
    4. assisting you in the case of any injury or emergency in connection with us or that occurs on UniLodge’s premises; and
    5. to exercise UniLodge’s duty of care to you when you are on its premises and assist with your rehabilitation;
    6. processing any payments in connection with your enrolment at a UniLodge residence;
    7. providing you with marketing materials concerning upcoming events UniLodge thinks may be of interest to you;
    8. ensuring your safety when on UniLodge’s premises and verifying any instances of breach of its rules, the applicable law or complaints by way of video recording and image capture,

and you agree to your personal information or personal data being collected and used for, and in connection with, these purposes and any other purpose in UniLodge’s Privacy Policy.

  1. In some instances, we may collect personal information or personal data from your alternative contact (such as your parent or guardian). You acknowledge that your alternative contact is aware that UniLodge holds their information for the purposes of exercising its duty of care to you.
  2. In some instances UniLodge may collect personal information or personal data from you which is unsolicited. To the extent reasonable, UniLodge will delete or de-identify any unsolicited personal information. However, due to the nature of UniLodge’s IT system, if you use UniLodge’s IT system to send or receive personal emails UniLodge will be unable to remove any personal information or personal data which is backed up and stored on UniLodge’s servers.  You acknowledge and you agree to your personal information or personal data being collected and stored by UniLodge.
  3. If UniLodge does not collect this personal information or personal data in connection with the purposes in paragraph 2, it may not be able to assist you with your application to reside at a UniLodge premises.
  4. Your personal information or personal data being disclosed to the following classes of people and organisations for the purposes in paragraph 2:
    1. UniLodge, its personnel and related entities;
    2. your financial institution and UniLodge’s financial institution;
    3. third party service providers (such as event co-ordination and hire, IT suppliers);
    4. medical or health service providers that are required to assist you in the case of an emergency;
    5. third parties who assist with the marketing process and any other organisation set out in UniLodge’s Privacy Policy.
  5. It is possible that some of the information collected for the purpose of your residence at UniLodge premises may be disclosed to UniLodge’s related bodies corporate or service providers outside of Australia or New Zealand, as the case may be. You consent to your information being disclosed to a destination outside Australia or New Zealand (whichever applies)  for this purpose, and you understand and acknowledge that either the Australian Privacy Principle 8.1 or the NZ Privacy Act will not apply to such disclosures of your personal information or personal data outside of the relevant jurisdiction.
  6. UniLodge’s Privacy Policy sets out the process as to how you can access and correct any of your personal information collected for the purposes outlined in paragraph 2, as well as to how you can make a complaint if UniLodge has breached the Privacy Law in the handling of your personal information.  UniLodge’s Privacy Policy is available at or you can request a copy from UniLodge at the contact details in item 1 above.

Additional information for residents of the European Union

If you are a resident of the European Union and we collect personal data from you, the following additional information applies to you:

  1. UniLodge is a “data controller” (as defined in the GDPR) and is responsible for processing your personal data in relation to your residency application and (if successful) your tenancy in UniLodge premises in Australia.
  2. We will store your personal data collected in accordance with this statement until the expiry of 12 months from the date of termination of your residency with us.
  3. We may transfer your personal data to our related entities in Australia or New Zealand (as the case may be), and this transfer is protected by contractual obligations between UniLodge and each of these entities safeguarding the security of your personal data.
  4. Under the GDPR, you are entitled to:
    1. (access) request access to your personal data held by UniLodge;
    2. (rectification) request to update or rectify any of the personal data that UniLodge holds about you by contacting us at the details specified above and request personal data updates;
    3. (erasure) request the we erase your personal data that UniLodge holds, where that data is no longer required for the purpose for which it was collected;
    4. (restriction on processing) obtain from UniLodge a restriction on processing of your personal data where:
      1. the accuracy of the personal data is contested;
      2. the processing by UniLodge of the personal data is unlawful (and you oppose erasure but request restriction of use);
      3. UniLodge no longer needs your personal data; or
      4. you have objected to processing pursuant to your right to object under Article 21(1) of the GDPR;
    5. (data portability) request that UniLodge:
      1. provides you with a copy of the personal data that UniLodge holds about you in a portable and machine readable form; or
      2. share your personal data with a nominated third party.
  5. UniLodge does not engage in any automated decision-making (such as profiling) in respect of your personal data.
  6. If you have any concerns in relation to UniLodge’s collection or processing of your personal data pursuant to this statement, then you also have a right to complain to the data protection authority in your EU country (within the meaning of the GDPR).